What Is A Mini Tummy Tuck? 

A mini tummy tuck, also known as a partial abdominoplasty, is a highly specialized procedure designed to effectively target and address excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen, offering transformative results. This tailored treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals with specific concerns about loose skin and minor abdominal wall laxity, providing a personalized solution to enhance their abdominal contour. Located in the heart of New York City, Dr. Joshua B. Hyman, a distinguished double board-certified plastic surgeon, leads our practice, offering a wealth of experience and expertise in performing mini tummy tucks. With a dedicated focus on achieving natural-looking, firmer, and more toned abdominal contours, Dr. Hyman is committed to helping patients elevate their confidence and overall well-being through personalized care and exceptional results.

What’s The Difference Between a Tummy Tuck and a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck in NYC is ideal for individuals with specific concerns about excess skin and fat below the belly button, with minimal issues in the upper abdomen. Unlike a traditional tummy tuck, which addresses the entire abdominal area, including both the upper and lower abdomen, the mini tummy tuck focuses precisely on the lower abdominal region. This targeted approach allows for a more tailored and effective solution to address localized concerns, providing patients with a sleeker, more contoured lower abdomen that aligns with their aesthetic goals.

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Am I a Good Candidate for a
Mini Tummy Tuck? 

It's normal to wonder if any procedure is proper for you. Typically, we've found the patients who benefit the most from this procedure include:

  • Individuals with localized excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen
  • Those who have maintained a stable weight and are in good overall health
  • Non-smokers or individuals willing to quit smoking before and after the procedure
  • Patients with realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery
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Your Complimentary Initial Consultation with Dr. Hyman 

Embarking on your journey toward a mini tummy tuck in NYC begins with a personalized consultation with Dr. Joshua B. Hyman. This initial meeting allows patients to discuss their concerns and aesthetic aspirations openly. At our state-of-the-art facility in Manhattan, patients from across New York City and surrounding communities are welcome to discuss mini tummy tuck procedures thoroughly. Dr. Hyman conducts these consultations, focusing on understanding each patient's unique needs and desired outcomes, ensuring the highest standards of safety and care.

How is a Mini Tummy Tuck Performed?

During a mini tummy tuck, Dr. Hyman employs his meticulous surgical expertise to make a small, precisely placed incision above the pubic area. This strategic approach allows him to effectively target and remove excess skin and fat, addressing each patient's specific concerns. Furthermore, Dr. Hyman may utilize advanced techniques to tighten the underlying abdominal muscles, enhancing the overall contour and providing a more sculpted appearance to the lower abdomen. With a keen eye for detail, he carefully repositions the remaining skin, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking outcome. The incision is closed with precision and care, resulting in a firmer, more toned appearance tailored to enhance and complement each patient's unique physique.

What is the Recovery Period for a Mini Tummy Tuck?

Following a mini tummy tuck, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area. Dr. Hyman will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery process. Patients are typically advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks and to wear a compression garment to support the healing process.

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Why Choose Dr. Hyman for Your NYC Mini Tummy Tuck? 

Dr. Hyman is a double board-certified plastic surgeon and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical Center. With decades of experience and a track record of successful surgeries, he is dedicated to providing exceptional personalized care to his patients. His private, luxury onsite surgery center in NYC is state-of-the-art and has maintained a perfect safety record. Dr. Hyman's expertise extends to various procedures, including mini tummy tucks, where he combines his surgical skill with a warm, relaxed demeanor and genuine care for his patients. Patients can expect their treatment to be performed in Dr. Hyman's state-of-the-art private surgical center, ensuring a personalized and comfortable experience focused on their well-being and aesthetic goals.

Mini Tummy Tuck FAQs 

What is the cost of a mini tummy tuck?

Will I have visible scarring after a mini tummy tuck?

How long does the procedure take?

When can I return to work after a mini tummy tuck?

Are there any risks associated with a mini tummy tuck?

Will I need to stay overnight in the hospital?

How long do the results of a mini tummy tuck last?

What is the cost of a mini tummy tuck?

The cost of a mini tummy tuck can vary depending on the patient's specific needs and the procedure's complexity. You will receive a personalized quote that includes all associated fees during your consultation with Dr. Hyman.

Will I have visible scarring after a mini tummy tuck?

Dr. Hyman takes great care to place incisions strategically, aiming to minimize visible scarring. Over time, the incision lines typically fade and become less noticeable.

How long does the procedure take?

The duration of a mini tummy tuck procedure can vary, but it generally takes around 1-2 hours to complete.

When can I return to work after a mini tummy tuck?

Most patients can return to light activities and work within 1-2 weeks, although individual recovery times may vary.

Are there any risks associated with a mini tummy tuck?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, which Dr. Hyman will discuss during your consultation. However, the risks are minimized when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Hyman.

Will I need to stay overnight in the hospital?

Mini tummy tuck procedures are typically performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can return home the same day.

How long do the results of a mini tummy tuck last?

With a healthy lifestyle and weight maintenance, the results of a mini tummy tuck can be long-lasting.

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